I have a concern I would like to address, but I know it may seem too trivial and silly to care about lol
If I didn’t have time to bubble in everything on the SAT, could I ask my proctor to bubble in for me, based on the answer choices I circled in my question booklet?
@marvin100 @MITer94 @comfortablycurt Well, I mean, I just thought it would be unfair for one to receive a bad score if he forgot to bubble in a few questions. If he answered them in the booklet and clearly circled the answer, shouldn’t he receive credit?
The directions state that one must indicate their answer by filling in the bubble corresponding to that answer. The proper following of the test directions is in and of itself part of the test. If one fails to follow directions, it will be reflected in their score. Why would the test proctor take the time to go through and make sure that all of the bubbles are filled properly? Are they going to check every test that gets handed in? What if they decided to “correct” some answers?
This would be giving you extra time, how would this be fair? The only way this would happen would be if you had a documented disability and were approved for testing accommodations.