Question about change in academic catalog

<p>If there is a change in the course requirements with the new 2012-2013 academic catalog, does an upperclassman have to follow it or do they only have to fulfill the older 2010-2012 catalog?</p>

<p>D is looking at her classes for next semester and CS360 now requires a new math class 302. Will she have to take this since it is listed as part of the CS degree for 2012-2013 but not 2010-2012?</p>

<p>We both don’t think she has to take it for her degree/minor, but she is worried the system won’t allow her to register for CS360.</p>

<p>I suggested she email the department head, but thought I would ask here in case someone has had previous experience with this sort of issue. </p>

<p>She probably would enjoy the class but the time it is offered, 11-11:50 MTWF for 4 weeks, really messes up her art classes.</p>

<p>TIA for any insight or suggestions</p>

<p>I believe the course catalog in effect for the semester a student first begins taking classes is the one that prevails.</p>

<p>That is what we understand. The big concern, will the “computer” know which catalog she is under? If the course lists a prerequisite, will she be “allowed” to register for it with out the prerequisite? Hopefully all 40+ students that are in the same position won’t have to get individual overrides! </p>

<p>She’s worried because degree works now lists this new math class as a prerequisite when she clicks on the CS.</p>

<p>Students are not responsible for changes that occur after later. that would be unfair. Your catalog is the one in effect when you enroll.</p>

<p>I would contact the registrar and find out if there’s a mistake. Or maybe Greg Singleton in Engineering or Dr. Cordes in CS.</p>

<p>Is it in place of MTH 301 (Discrete Mathematics) or in addition to MTH 301. I see that 302 is specifically designated for CS majors in the course listing.</p>

<p>Edited: it does appear to be in addition to MTH301 and is a 1 credit course “Topics in Discrete Mathematics”.</p>

<p>I think D is going to talk to engineering advisers or email Dr. Cordes. She doesn’t go to them usually since her major is studio art so she is cleared for registration through the art department.</p>

<p>Students are subject to the calendar effective at the time they entered UA or in some cases when they first enrolled at a college or university. For example, I entered UA in Fall 2009 under the 2006 catalog as my first college class was in Fall 2006. Students are able to move to a newer catalog, but that decision is irreversible. I quickly moved to the 2008 catalog as it streamlined many of my degree requirements.</p>

<p>Bamamomof3, I am not sure which year your daughter entered or what her major is. My memory is not that great. But when I looked back at the current catalog as well as the previous catalog, it does show that Math 301 is needed for CS 360. Below are the entries, but here is the link to the various catelogs for you too. [Academic</a> Catalogs - The University of Alabama](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>The CS flowcharts also show MATH 301 requierd prior to CS360 back until 2010. <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>It does not look like CS360 was a class at all prior to 2010. </p>

<p>the 2010-2012 catelog for CS360:
CS 360 Data Structures and Algorithms (4-0) 4 hours.
Prerequisite: CS 250 and CS 260 and MATH 301.
Prerequisite with concurrency: CS 350 or CS 351 or CS 352</p>

<p>Basic concepts of data, linear lists, strings, arrays, trees, graphs, and the related storage of representations and structures. Applications include expression conversion, sorting, searching, and dynamic storage allocation.</p>

<p>For MATH 301:
MATH 301 Discrete Mathematics. 3 hours. (I think this is actually 4cr)
Prerequisite: MATH 125 or MATH 145.
An introductory course that primarily covers logic, recursion, induction, modeling, algorithmic thinking, counting techniques, combinatorics, and graph theory</p>

<p>The college catelog for 2012: </p>

<p>CS 360. Data Structures & Algorithms. 4 sem. hrs.
Basic concepts of data, linear lists, strings, arrays, trees, graphs and the related storage of representations and structures. Applications include expression conversion, sorting, searching and dynamic storage allocation.
Prerequisite(s): MATH 301; and CS 250 or ECE 285; and CS 260; and CS 350 or CS 351 or CS 352.</p>

<p>MATH 301. Discrete Mathematics. 3 sem. hrs.
An introductory course that primarily covers logic, recursion, induction, modeling, algorithmic thinking, counting techniques, combinatorics, and graph theory.
Prerequisite(s): MATH 125 or MATH 131 or MATH 145.</p>

<p>MATH 302. Topics in Discrete Mathematics. 1 sem. hr.
A supplemental course in discrete mathematics covering select topics of interest in computer science. Topics include graphs and trees, finite state automata and regular expressions, efficiency of algorithms.
Prerequisite(s): MATH 301.</p>

<p>Sorry, computer froze up, and I could not finish fixing typos before time ran out! And I did read that your dhtrs major is studio art!</p>

<p>So I looked at one more thing, and that was the actual classes that are scheduled for spring 2013, and followed those links to the “catalog” entry. This is what I found for CS360 for the spring term classes. </p>



<p>This does include the MATH 302 that you are talking about. However, the actual catalog and the CS flow chart I posted earlier do not reflect this change. The CS curriculum flow chart actually states that MATH 302 can be taken with CS 360, it can’t be taken later than CS 360. </p>

<p>I wonder if they scheduled the 1 credit MATH302 over 4 weeks at the begining of the semester to catch everyone up to what they plan as a new flowchart for CS? </p>

<p>It is confusing. Thanks for brining it to my attention too, as it could really mess up my son’s courses next semester if it must be taken before CS360 instead of concurrently.</p>

<p>vlines~ daughter is a sophomore so she is under the 2010-2012 catalog that does not require the 302. She is currently in 301. She not so concerned about having to take the class to fulfill her minor, but is more worried about the actual registration process and being locked out of the CS class and then having to run around at the last minute to get an override, the class being filled, etc. </p>

<p>And yes, she is actually pursuing a BFA in Studio Art which doesn’t have enough electives to allow a minor, but with her AP credits she is able to add a CS minor. Love those AP credits!!!</p>

<p>I will be interested to see what she finds out. And again, thanks for posting so I can alert my son to the issue too. </p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>