Question About Class of '10 Policy

<p>OK, so the new SAT Score Reporting Policy now gives the option of score choice to students beginning with the class of 2010. However, CB's website states:</p>

Colleges will continue to set their own test requirement policies. These policies may vary from college to college. The College Board will work with colleges to provide them with best practice information and guidance on how best to formulate, clarify, and/or communicate test requirements policies, given the new SAT score report policy. Students will be encouraged to follow the different score-reporting requirements of each college to which they apply.


<p>Does anyone know of any schools that have specifically stated that they still want to see all your scores, even if you are from the class of 2010? I've looked around on some college websites, but I only see references to the old policy.</p>


<p>"[Bump], headshot!"?</p>

<p>Bump. Any answers?</p>

<p>i think when i visited yale they addressed this problem.</p>

<p>i was dozing off at the time when someone asked the question, but my mom says that yale will ask to see your entire set of test scores so it doesn't matter anyway.</p>

<p>but then again, mom could be joking. not sure about this.</p>