Question about double majoring in communications and sports management/administration

<p>Dont know if anyone can answer this question but i have come to find out that if you want to major in communications, you are required to double major in something else. I have tried to figure out if my choices would be a possibility and have gotten an answer that it would take 5 yrs to graduate. this would not be a problem for me but i was just wondering if this is true and for any tips or anything to help. Also, i was accepted into the business school because that is what i was planning on doing but i have since changed my mind and want to do broadcast journalism instead. thx in advance</p>

<p>Originally if you majored in communications you had to double in a major from the college of arts and sciences. But Miami has recently changed those rules and you can double any anything as long as it is a certain range of units.</p>

<p>Sport Administration (in the college of education) is one of the eligible double majors. I heard that doubling in business is the hardest, but Sport Administration is fine.</p>

<p>I was excited when I heard the news, because next year when I apply to UM I want to double in media management and sport administration.</p>

<p>where is this news posted? id be so happy if this is the case</p>

<p>The second major - 24 to 40 credits</p>

<p>Each Communication student, in addition to completing requirements for a Communication major (below), must choose a second major field in the University curriculum. To find the requirements for such a major, consult this Bulletin and confer with the appropriate department representative. School of Communication Advisors will aid students in identifying the appropriate representative. The candidate for a Communication degree may choose from among any of the disciplines offering majors for which they may qualify and complete the major’s requirements.</p>

<p>The choice of the second major should be made no later than the beginning of the junior year and must be approved by the discipline concerned. Each Communication student will be required, by the time he or she has earned 72 credits, to submit to his or her Communication advisor a statement of courses and other requirements for the chosen major. This statement must be signed by the second major’s program head concerned, or by the head’s representative. Any student making unsatisfactory progress in the second major subject may be required to change majors or to relinquish candidacy for the Communication degree.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p> in the comm school and want my second major in the school of advisor hasnt been that helpful with this. i was still under the impression this wasnt possible.thanks for the info.</p>