Question about Enrollment Deposit

<p>I have been accepted into Chicago and I definitely want to go there. And I want to send in my enrollment deposit so that I can get my first choice for dorms. But, I don't want to withdraw my other applications from other schools because I want to see where I can get in.</p>

<p>So, am I allowed to submit my enrollment deposit without withdrawing my other applications? Thanks!</p>

<p>If by ‘definitely want to go there’ you mean that UChicago = your first choice, and that you only want to see where else you want to get in for the pure sake of seeing where else you will get in, then, yes you can submit your enrollment deposit so long as you don’t do it at any other school that you get accepted into (don’t you just love grammatically incorrect sentences that in prepositions? The OP and I certainly do!). Granted, even then, you can still go to another school (what do you think they’re going to do? physically coerce you to go to their school because you paid the enrollment deposit?). However, if that isn’t even a possibility then may I give you some advice because you do realize (I hope you do at least), after all, that it is completely possible that another kid gets waitlisted/rejected at another school instead of accepted because you just ‘wanted to see if you get in’ (of course, that probably wouldn’t happen directly, but it certainly could happen indirectly) at another school. Basically, I’m telling you to rescind your applications from your other schools iff UChicago is and will stay your first choice, but if you don’t want to - oh well.</p>

<p>hahah I liked it better without the edits! But thanks for the info. I’m not actually the one who got into Chicago. I am asking for my friend who is too afraid to come on CC!! But I will relay the information to him.</p>

<p>Here are my thoughts on this - personally I would wait it out and see as you never know what sort of acceptances you’re going to get, and that in my opinion is more important that housing benefits. However if your friend is absolutely in love with Chicago then go ahead and submit the deposit - but I believe it’s ethical to withdraw the other applications - as motion said your friend could be taking somebody else’s spot at his or her dream school.</p>

<p>Raggydilo, I’m surprised that your school doesn’t make students withdraw all other applications when they accept an offer of early admission. My son’s school mandates students to do so, and I think that it’s an excellent, ethical practice.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that, when you (or your friend) send in the enrollment deposit, you are in fact accepting the university’s offer of admission. Furthermore, you are likely affecting other people on several fronts: </p>

<li><p>The U of C admissions officers will have reason to believe that you’re attending Chicago for sure, which may impact the number of students that they accept through Regular Decision. You are, in essence, filling up a spot.</p></li>
<li><p>If you were to change your mind and accept another offer of admission in the spring, UChicago would have every right to be annoyed, and future applicants from your school might bear the consequences. </p></li>
<li><p>As has been pointed out above, the remaining schools to which you are applying might waitlist or reject another candidate so that they can offer you a place that you don’t really want. </p></li>

<p>You might say to yourself that one person holding out won’t make that much of a difference in the big picture, but think of the large scale effects if everyone who accepted an Early Action offer stayed in the process “just to see where else they could get in.”</p>

<p>If you’re not certain that UChicago is the place for you & therefore want to see how you fare elsewhere, then why send in the deposit? On the other hand, if you’re sure that you want to attend the U of C and you’re doing this for the ego trip, well, honestly… it doesn’t speak very well of you.</p>

<p>This is in response to motion12345.</p>

<p>I don’t think you can do that. They can’t physically coerce you into going to any school, but I believe I’ve heard of an instance where school A contacted school B and both rescinded their acceptance. And they’re completely within their rights to do that if you pay the enrollment deposit at 2 schools and they find out.</p>

<p>UChicago gives you up to 1st May to give them your decision. RD decisions will usually come out by March or April (I forget which), and I’m pretty sure you’ll have AT LEAST 2 weeks to think it over. Don’t pay the enrollment deposit unless you’re sure of being able to attend Chicago financially, and that you’d want to end even if every other place you’ve applied offers you a free ride.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the input and advice. My friend decided to submit his enrollment deposit at Chicago and to withdraw all of his other apps. He will be the greatest person to ever grace the campus of Chicago! haha</p>