Question about Food?

<p>Hi everyone! Hopefully, I will be an incoming freshman for the UM Class of 2014... that is, if FRAG and FAFSA kick in. I am interested in entering the university's pre-pharmacy/pre-medicine programs. My major goal is to join either Doctors without Borders or the Peace Corps. At least this way, I can hope to accomplish my desire to travel and perform service to others. Just a little add-on... I am hoping to spend a couple years in ITALY for whatever gets me there ((A feeling ingrained in my DNA since birth =D)). Anyway, I have a few questions that you probably have heard thousands of times, but I appreciate your input!</p>

<p>1.My family and I are hoping to skip out on the meal plan since I eat just enough. Plus, I would prefer not to spend money on a salad I can go out and make for myself. I've heard great things about the food, but I know that I will get tired of eating out eventually. Is there an option that allows for cooking for yourself in the dorms? Like a community kitchen, etc.? </p>

<p>2.Also, when I receive my dorm preference forms, which do you suggest is the "best" for a more laidback student ((rankings?))? I am leaning towards Stanford since that is the "music/more studious" dorm.. and I wouldn't mind listening to others practice while I study.</p>

<p>-I moved to Jacksonville, FL in 2006 ((Originally from Bloomfield, NJ <3)). I have attended a Catholic school for practically my whole life. At my current high school, most of my classmates are mostly attending UNF, FSU, Auburn, UF, and universities in Alabama ((Also a few may be attending USF, FIU, and JU)). As far as I know, I am the only student who really feels like UM is for me. I've "eavesdropped" so-to-say on people speaking about UM... some scoff... others don't think very much of it. There was one time someone remarked negatively about certain minorities... But, I try not to think much of it. I love diversity anyway... and I miss the city life!! </p>

<p>3.What is the reputation of UM in Florida itself ((My parents, unfortunately, look at rankings and reputation -.o)) in terms of academics, graduate acceptance rate, dorm life, and any thing else you want to add in? </p>

<p>4.Stupid, yet brief question: What is the fashion style on campus itself? I understand that Miami is one of the major fashion capitals internationally. Fashion is something I've always been interested in ((what girl isn't?)), but it's definitely not to the point of spending hundreds of dollars on a pair of socks or thousands of dollars on something "designer." In Jacksonville, I prefer shopping in stores like Ross, Marshalls, TJ Maxx, and sifting through to find that "diamond in the rough" ((Clich</p>

<p>miami is known as the best undergraduate school in all of Florida (arguable of course)…</p>

<p>As a freshman you HAVE to be on a meal plan. Sign up for the 14 or 8 kosher…</p>

<p>The food kinda sucks here so whoever said it was great doesn’t eat good food (my opinion)</p>

<p>1- Meal plan. I believe you have to chose one. Take the least expensive. You can have a fridge/microwave in your room. My son lived on salads/fruit in the dining halls the first two years.</p>

<p>2- I don’t think Stanford has a reputation for being more studious than other dorms. </p>

<p>3- Reputation- Miami has a great reputation. Great academics and things going on. Some prefer UF, some prefer Miami. both are good schools. Ignore the competition back and forth. Chose your school by fit and affordability. UF and Miami appear to be annoying rivals… and instate thing as us out of staters really don’t care.</p>

<p>4-Fashion. Stick to what you are comfortable with. Some wear high end expensive clothes, some don’t. Casual wear by day, some dresses/sundresses for times you want to dress up.</p>

<p>Food is actually pretty good for college food. I’ve eaten at other schools and Miami’s is definitely not bad. Of course the students are going to complain about it, but it could be MUCH worse. Like others have said, you have to get a meal plan if you live in the dorms (and there would be nowhere for you to cook anyway so there’s really no other option).</p>

<p>As far as reputation and other students thinking negatively about it, the same thing happened to me when I was in HS. Teachers and some friends told me I was “better” than UM and I should go to Penn State or American (my 2 other top choices) and UM actually ranks much higher than both in the USNWR rankings. UM has come so far in the past 20 years and is no longer “Suntan U.” We party hard, but we work hard too because you have to to do well here. I can’t speak for every area of study, but I know in the journalism industry, UM is highly regarded.</p>

<p>Don’t worry about what everyone else is wearing, be yourself. There are plenty of people here who won’t care and you’ll find your niche. I’m not fashionable at all and I don’t wear anything designer ever (I pretty much shop in Forever 21 and Express) and it’s never bothered me, I just don’t care about that stuff. And there’s a Ross right down US-1 across from the mall :)</p>

<p>Thank you so much for your responses, everyone! They actually made me feel a lot better about UM. </p>

<p>Darn it… I was really hoping to save my parents some cash. The microwave and refrigerator will just have to do then. </p>

<p>Wneckid99, will I at least enjoy the food the first couple of months? lol. =P </p>

<p>Crazed, I was reading some of ladyconfused’s thread and picked up random opinions on dorms. Not exactly the best thing huh? What I’ve read pretty much described Hecht as the party dorm vs. Stanford’s musical/“more studious” dorm. I’ve also been looking for pictures of the dorms, but alas I have had no luck. -.o </p>

<p>Can anyone offer pictures of what a typical dorm looks like at UM ((for freshmen?))? Thanks!!</p>

<p>I am relieved that UM has a great reputation academics wise since I basically just applied to random colleges I wasn’t even sure I was allowed to go to ((in a fit of rage at the time)). My family and I knew practically nothing about the college application process, much less the “good” schools in FL! I had to do everything myself ((Our guidance counselors are a joke.)). Luckily I got into all of them ((Fordham, AU for fall, Oglethorpe, UNF, UCF x.x, John Cabot in ITY, etc. << not to brag, but if there’s a better choice? lol)). </p>

<p>I was also wondering if the medical/english/philosophy/international relations programs were?</p>

<p>The whole fashion gave me a mini panic attack when I was reviewing other peoples’ opinions on other websites since I heard everyone is a “10”, “stuck up”, etc. I worried that my lack of concern for all things “in” would stick out. ((I’ve never been called a “10”, but I’ve never had self-esteem problems with my external appearance?)) But, I assume that’s what it is like in every other college?
In Jacksonville, it’s kind of weird to try out new styles without being looked up and down by old people in Hawaiian shirts. I went to Walmart one time in shorts and a cute top, topped with an over-sized cardigan in 60 degree weather, I believe ((Really was quite warm for me))? I’ve gotten these looks from people who were surprised people would actually wear something other than jeans, etc., Urban Outfitters,, are a big inspirations for me. I was slightly worried that I would experience that again… but this time for wearing sweats. LOL. XD</p>

<p>THANK GOODNESS FOR ROSS, MiamiCane2010!!</p>

<p>I wear sweatpants and a t-shirt most days… occasionally I wear my pajamas, but that gets looks. There are people who dress with crazy designer stuff… there are people who dress in jeans, and people who wear everything in between. There is a good distribution. But I’ll stick with my sweatpants… they’re just so comfy.</p>

<p>I liked the food… but I came from a boarding school where the food was terrible. Next year I’ll opt for the 7 meal plan or the 14 meal plan. I suggest you go with the 14 meal plan.</p>

<p>You can find pics of my room at: </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
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<p>The view from my room at: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>And SVMMom also had me put her kid’s pictures of their room on my site… I presume she doesn’t mind me reposting them:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
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<p>You’ve asked the right guy about the medical and philosophy programs (former premed, current biology/philosophy double major). UM has a great biology program (which is essentially the pre-med program), as well as an excellent medical school. The philosophy program is ranked 20th in the country, and is fantastic. There are a wide variety of classes in the philosophy program, and I think they’re really fun.</p>

<p>Miami is a very good looking school when you look at the students. many girls are the typical blonde bombshells. …but i wear shorts and a tshirt everyday and it really doesnt matter how you “dress” altho girls tend to care way more than guys.</p>

<p>It’s kinda annoying how Miami as a city and school is a bit superficial with looks…but its not overwhelming and this is a definite generalization. </p>

<p>Miami is rising fast academically and is strong in so many areas (jazz, journalism, philosophy, marine sci, premed, etc). The food isn’t horrendous…its just really really repetitive and I’m used to eating really good food so for me it sucks. Some ppl do think its rly good tho…</p>


<p>Of course I do not mind! Glad you posted the pics.</p>

<p>The rooms really are quite large compared to most freshmen dorms I have seen. The storage is especially good with the huge closet. </p>

<p>My daughter wears shorts/jeans, t-shirts/tank tops and flip flops. You get all kinds. If you are comfortable in your own skin, you are golden.</p>