<p>hi. i wanted to know if all the ivy leagues are very well known for music and science. i want to go for both of those because i love them so much, but i want to make sure ivy leagues offer reknown science/music courses. i know Yale and Columbia are very known for science/music, but i was wondering, what about harvard or princeton, etc? of course ill research other schools to but i was wondering about the ivy leagues. thanks a lot.</p>
<p>harvard / princeton / yale: good everything</p>
<p>columbia / brown / dartmouth: not known so much for science.</p>
<p>Cornell: Known really for its sciences. Not so sure about music.</p>
<p>columbia has a school of engineering though... how can it not be known as much for sciences? :</p>
<p>if you are interested in music and science, why aren't you starting by looking at which schools are good in that, instead of having the ivies as your starting point?</p>
<p>HVSahin: very bold and general statement, but not exactly true. (not to mention you missed penn)
woo, "sciences" is VERY VERY broad. what kind of sciences exactly? applied ? theoratical? reasearch? chem physics or biology? or geology?</p>
<p>Princeton is generally known for strong sciences departments and undergrad focus, you could do some digging around there.</p>
<p>columbia.. not good for sciences? er.. be more specific please
while columbia isnt particularly known for its sciences (more so for its humanities), I'm sure you can find some big names there (cough.. brian greene) which indicates that columbia does have a strong physics deparment. there are many other indicators for columbia's physics program if you dig in far enough. as said before. columbia does have its own engineering school I cant comment on other sciences though. as for music, its in nyc! I believe columbia does have a good music program.</p>
<p>cornell's well known as the top ivy engineering school I dont know much about their music department</p>
<p>I can't believe I missed Penn!</p>
<p>lynda: These are ivy league institutions. When you get down to it, they ALL have good music and science programs; just not relative to eachother. </p>
<p>A degree is engineering from Princeton or Cornell is better than an engineering degree at Columbia, Brown, or Harvard (unless you cross-enroll at MIT, which some Harvard engineers do). </p>
<p>It's all relative.</p>
<p>Yale's music department is the best...and it's now free (check the Yale forum).</p>
<p>You definitely need to look into specifics. What types of sciences? Not all excel in all areas. What do you plan to do with music? You can't get a Bachelor of Music degree at any Ivy League.</p>
<p>Kcirsch, Yale's music department is free for graduate students. It doesn't have a music school for undergrads. I would suggest Columbia for music because of its association with Julliard. I don't know as much about the sciences, but I would go with Cornell as one of the best in the Ivys. </p>
<p>Pick schools based on your interests and goals.</p>
<p>undergrad general science i'd actually choose princton over cornell. but you do have to look into specifics.</p>
<p>HVsahin, I was talking about your statement being too general. Harvard is actually not that well known for its applied science sdie, unless the student cross enroll at MIT. I dont know about yale but princeton and cornell are definetly more wellkown there. I dont think a general statment can be made about Ivy science deparments as a hole becuase each school had its strength in different areas, and as a whole they don't differ that much from each other.
woo you might really need to narrow down your options. both music and science are huge fields</p>