Question about Minor Mistake on Essay

<p>I submitted my app for UVa yesterday and today when I go to read my common app essay for fun I find out that I repeated a 6 word sentence twice. I feel like such a moron now because I proofread it a million times and I've wanted to go to UVa since I was a kid. Does anyone know how much that will hurt me for a decision? If Dean J could answer that would be cool too =)</p>

<p>Thanks for readin</p>

<p>i don’t think it’ll hurt too much. it certainly shouldn’t decide whether or not you get in.</p>

<p>Adcoms understand the pressure applicants are under. You should be okay.</p>

<p>No harm in sending a correction. I am not familiar with how Common App works, but if they have any provision for changing and resubmitting, I would use it.</p>

<p>I cannot say how an admission office will look at it, but as a business person who hires people out of college, the key is catching anc correcting your own mistakes. Everyone makes them, but some people take responsibility for their work and take the pressure off of me as a manager. Write them with the corrected version. And do not be whiny and apologetic. Just tell them why you are sending it, and say thanks. I suspect their rules do not allow them to consider it, but who cares? The point is for them to get to know you, not the app.</p>

<p>A minor error isn’t going to derail an application.</p>

