<p>Should the question about a Penn professor who i would like to study with or do research with have to be from my major? I am applying to Wharton but I wrote about doing research with a scientist in the biology department because I want to continue researching something I did research on in High School. Should I change it and just write about a business teacher or researcher? any help would be nice, especially if it is quick lol</p>
<p>I would suggest that no matter who you chose to reference that it makes sense. Your application is telling a story. In the case of Wharton, since if you don't get in you are rejected from Penn, it makes more sense to find a prof that is pursuing research that excites you and possibly still makes sense. Maybe he or she worked for a biotech or consulted one?</p>
<p>I think they dont really care... I think its better if you write it about the one with the bio teacher because you really "feel" what you are writing... picking a business teacher just for being business related is going to be boring...</p>
<p>thats just what I think... I really dont know!</p>
<p>sorry, related: I sat through a class at penn, so i wrote about that professor (hes a science teacher, and im applying to CAS, so it makes sense i think)--i mean, doesnt that make the most sense for me, because I actually got to meet him and see him teach?</p>
<p>^I would have done that, except i think the class i sat through was not taught by a full professor, so I couldnt find any of her research on the website. The thing is I want to do research (and my app shows it) so I wanted to find a prof who I can work with and who teaches an interesting class.</p>
<p>I did it on a professor who lectured at LBW... I picked him not to do reasearh but because I really want to study with him.. just after 1 minute he spent speaking I realized I wanted to study with him... Actually, if I get in, I'll do anything to have him in my mgmt 100 class.</p>
<p>My mom is saying that I shouldn't talk about the bio teacher because it will make the admissions people wonder why I am applying for a business school when I am interested in science. I think it will help because it shows that i like other things out of business too. Idk anyone have any suggestions/ideas?</p>
<p>Definitely put what you are interested in. It IS possible to like biology and business.</p>
<p>You (at least I think) were expected to show you interest in business in the Why Penn essay or somewhere else in the app... showing a different interest is actually better than just repeating what can be found somewhere else.</p>
<p>i went to visit a class but didnt get the professors name... neway to get the name? some sort of list/directory?... the class was the third reich btw</p>
<p>reich? uhm... if you remember what the professor does... in the wharton website theres a list of faculty... in their profile theres a picture of them.</p>
<p>probably if you go to the site and search for the course name it will also say the name of the professor, try it out it will probably work =P</p>
<p>hey bernardo who'd u pick?</p>
<p>thanks for saying hi pech, we havent talked in yrs.. I picked the one from group dynamics.. I know it's unusual but I really liked him.... who did you pick?</p>
<p>Is it okay if we write about some professor who mentioned in the essay?</p>
<p>i pick l. gelb.</p>
<p>um, does your mom know anything about the school? Penn is all about interdiscplinary study. As long as you present yourself as being interested in business and science (as opposed to completely randomly mentioning the science in a 3-sentence short answer), it could even HELP you.</p>
<p>I have been doing research in school for the past 3 years, I have also done a couple compititions, I just wrote in the short answer that I would like to do research with this professor because I want to continue my interest in biology even though I am planning on doing business. Is that ok?</p>
<p>I have plenty of other stuff on my application that show that I am also interested in science as well as business.</p>