question about pharm/jour school.

<p>are the pharm school/journalism school at uwisc-madison any good? how is the journalism school compared to schools like syracuse/boston u etc..?
thanks :)</p>

<p>oh another question. how big is the frat scene? i know the party scene is HUGE but how does the frat scene compare to UIUC which i heard is pretty big.</p>

<p>UIUC is the largest frat scene of any college, at least as far as # of students participating.</p>

<p>Pharm and journalism are both excellent top 10 level programs you apply to after a couple of years and it is competitive to get in them. Pharm has an awesome new building.
The frat scene is a fairly small subgroup. Large enough if you like that sort of thing but only about 15% of ugs belong.</p>