Question about score reporting

<p>so I took 2 SAT's, 2 SAT II's (Math 2 and physics), and the ACT plus writing. Ive listed all of them on my common app.</p>

<p>Now if im applying to a school that hasnt gotten any of these official reports, and really the only thing theyll look at (taking the higher score) would be my ACT. So should I still sent them all of the SAT/SATII info via the official score report anyway? or will listing it on the common app be enough for "self-reporting"?? I know this is slightly confusing but any help would be appreciated!!</p>

<p>Generally, colleges will rely only on official score reports, thus self-reporting them on common app but then submitting no official report usually means the self-reported scores will be ignored. If only official score submitted is ACT, that is the one that will be used. Whether you should actually send SATs (I and II) depends on college and scores. It sounds like college you are talking about does not require or recommend SAT IIs, in which case submitting only ACT offical report is fine. Obviously, if college actually requires SAT IIs, you better send offical reports and likely should send them if college recommends IIs be submitted unless they are so bad that you do not want them considered at all.</p>

<p>the college in question wants the SAT1/SATII or ACT plus writing. my sat ii’s are decent (680 math 2 640 physics) but if theyre not necessary, should i still send them? couldnt theoretically they only hurt me?</p>