Question about teacher rec. and mid-year forms

<p>alright i printed out the PDF files for the respective forms. the teacher rec had two pages so i stapled those together. the rest of the app i’m filling out by hand and i’m using the app that penn mailed to me (i got this later). will it be ok if i have the PDF print out and the actual app for separate things? (i’m just sending in form 1B from the mailed application, and printouts for the other parts).</p>

<p>sorry, i’m just pretty damned paranoid. thanks.</p>

<p>As long as you don't attempt to mix and match between paper forms and online, you're fine. Penn doesn't care if it's PDF or the one they mailed you. FYI--if you get a copy of Adobe Professional, it will allow you to fill out the PDF forms on your computer. I did this, and it made all of my apps so much easier to complete, and it looks more professional.</p>