<p>My final final exam is on Dec 15th (time is TBA). After what do we have after finals? Do we have to wait for the grades to come out? I am just wondering if I can make it to the flight Dec 16th 11:45 AM which is much cheaper. JFK, btw.</p>
<p>as soon as you finish your last final…you can leave campus!</p>
<p>can’t f-in wait. this semester has been so boring for me.</p>
<p>Curse whoever made the Thermodynamics final on the 19th.</p>
<p>ok, then I will go to math final with my huge luggages ROFL</p>
<p>LOL, I want to get in to Cornell so bad… so I can suffer with the rest of you come next year’s finals!</p>
<p>eugh. finals are going to absolutely suck. ive got only 1 in the span of 4 days then 4 in 4 days- going to be the longest/most wired on caffeine 4 days of my life. at least we get a month off after that! oops… mcats by the end of january… darn</p>
<p>I heard once that if you have too many exams at the same time, and since they are finals, you can have the make up tests if that makes things easier. Is that right? I am asking because I am in pretty much same situation as Devil.</p>
<p>^^Good luck man.</p>
<p>During the fall of my junior year I had 6 finals in 6 days…it hurt. Just fill yourself with Red Bull and bring your pillow and blanket to Uris :-P</p>
<p>Tsenguun: If you have 3 more finals in a 48 hour period…then you may reschedule 1 of your exams.</p>
<p>Yes, I do. Who should I contact?</p>
<p>You have to pick which exam you’d like to reschedule and talk to the professor.</p>
<p>Thank you! :D</p>
<p>luckky… last final is on the 18th</p>
<p>The truly unfortunate thing is they don’t sell Red Bull in RPCC. They’ve only got Amp.</p>
<p>Can you really bring a pillow and blanket to Uris library? Hahaha.</p>
<p>I have a week and a half between the end of classes and the day I go home. Sure I’ll study, but realistically I’ll put in a few hours a day. What is there to do for the rest of the day? Are there parties during study/finals week?</p>
A zillion years ago when I was at Cornell there were very specific rules about this … and they were tough … 4 finals in 4 days wasn’t even close (actually this was fairly typical). From memory I think it was if you had 3 finals in one day you could get one moved … 4 finals in 2 days the profs did not have to let you take a mke-up. (That said you can always ask and a prof may cut you some slack … but I wouldn’t expect it by any means)</p>
<p>Look up the schedule on the Cornell web site. Rules are pretty well spelled out.</p>
<p>I know…I wish Red Bull was sold on campus. </p>
<p>And yes…when I worked my 12-2 am shift at Uris I saw plenty of students bring pillows and blankets with them </p>
<p>Haha…they’ve lightened up! This is what I found online:</p>
<p>"Although not specifically prohibited, it is University policy to discourage more than two examinations for a student in one twenty-four hour time period and especially on any one day. It is urged that members of the faculty consider student requests for a make-up examination, particularly if their course is the largest of the three involved and thus has the strongest likelihood of offering a make-up for other valid reasons, ie., illness, death in the family, etc. "</p>