Question About Worth.

<p>Hi there, I have two questions about the worth of the awards I’ve gotten and the “passion” I have that would distingusih me from others.</p>

<li><p>During homecoming season, our school holds a design contest and I’ve won it two times already (Freshman & this year). Asides from the honor roll, that’s just about all the awards I can think of. I haven’t gotten a Nobel Peace Prize yet and I’m worried that my lack of awards will totally tarnish my efforts to going to a university. Should I add that in the application process or should I leave it blank?</p></li>
<li><p>I don’t have the “passion” of building houses in Antarctica for penguins but I enjoy perofrming the tiring task of animating movies. I’ve been doing that for about 3 years and they’re my platform to tell my stories. I don’t want the admission officers thinking “apply to animator school, dummy” because I’d like to be a well-rounded person by going to a university. Would that be a great hook or would that put me in the reject bin?</p></li>


<p>In terms of EC's, colleges want to see long-term commitment and "passion" in one or two activities. The important thing is that you have an activity that you are interested in and follow. With the possible exception of a few anti-social EC's, it doesn't matter what the activity is, and it doesn't have to have anything to do with what you plan to major in or devote your life to. Awards are less important than the activity itself, but they show accomplishment and achievement in what you are doing. At the super-elite colleges, national and regional awards are the way to stand out, but lets face it, those are hard to come by. The main thing is the academic measures and the standardized test scores. The EC's differentiate between people with outstanding academic measures. I think that design and animation are great EC's.</p>

<p>(Large public universities are generally more numbers driven.)</p>