<p>When you guys write ur gpa, are u talking about your academic(9-12), academic(10-12), or total (9-12)? Well at least that's how my school divides it..</p>
<p>I’m not sure what you mean. What’s academic GPA and what’s total GPA?</p>
<p>I’m GUESSING most people are talking about their ENTIRE GPA (all classes), and all years (9-12 if that’s what their high school includes). But I can only really DEFINITELY answer for myself…and that’s the number I’m using. It’s the ONLY GPA that I’m guessing MOST schools provide. Sounds like your provides options for you to consider that might better match what colleges will look at when they recalculate GPA to more closely compare apples to apples. Many esp. elite colleges) don’t really care about your grade in theatre or color guard you know…and some don’t care about your 9th grade, they assume it was a tough transition. That stinks for me D because she was a straight A top ranked student, then changed schools in the middle of 10th grade and THAT gave her a one semester horrible transition. She came right back but it ruined her GPA for good. Best of luck to ya.</p>
<p>It’s different from school - school, mine includes 8th grade unfortunately because I took HS classes.</p>
<p>you’re lucky. i remember when i was in 8th g, i was bored to death in math and a couple others and got straight As but there were not anything like HS courses I could take. they told me my 8th grade math was hs math but it was incredibly easy.</p>
<p>I think most people posting here are talking total GPA (9-12) as noted on your school transcript. But for colleges it doesn’t matter, they are going to recalculate your GPA based upon their own internal criteria. You can find most of the criteria here or on other web sites.
Most schools in the US use the standard total GPA (9-12) but many if not most schools here on CC are likely to recalculate.</p>
<p>I think people on here just report whatever their school reports for UW GPA (9-12). At my school, this includes all classes, though only certain classes (pretty much just academic, though some of the more academic electives can be weighted too) are weighted. </p>
<p>From what I’ve garnered on CC, however, colleges recalibrate these grades by discarding freshman year (but keep in mind that they don’t reweight class rank, so getting straight D’s freshman year is not a good idea) and double the weight of junior year. I think the UCs only give weight to AP/IB classes and not honors. But the general rule of thumb is that junior year is the most important, and taking easy classes to get straight A’s is not a good idea–though neither is killing yourself with all APs and getting poor grades.</p>