Question and Chances

<p>Me (senior) and a friend (he's a junior) share this account his questions are the first two, I just want my chances.</p>

<p>1st. Which APs should I take? Due to my schools regulations we only take 6 courses, 5 if you don't count religion, and as such I am limited on what APs I can take. I have to take English so English AP, but the other 4 I don't know what to pick from
Spanish Literature AP
Calc BC AP
Econ AP
Stats AP
Chem AP
Physics C AP
I can only pick 4, I want to be an inorganic chem major at stanford, but I don't know what would look best on my app. So which of the 4 APs should I take? However, this is also for my senior year, so would they really care which APs I took?</p>

<p>2nd. Stanford Arts Supplement
I was wondering if I should send in my bboy demo reel as my arts supplement. I've been going for 4 years won about 6 jams (tournaments) with my crew and from what I have seen I am better than the hip hop and breakdance clubs at Stanford. I was wondering if I should send it in or they'd think it is foolish. I am very good better than most who have only been dancing 4 years, should I send it in?</p>

<p>3rd. Chances
GPA: 3.76 unweighted never got below an A- (my school doesn't give out A+)
My Sat scores were:
790 Math
750 Critical Reading
730 Writing
770 Chem SAT II
740 Spanish SAT II
750 Physics SAT II
I have taken 8 Honors 3 APs (Spanish: 4, Calc: 5, English: 4)
I am taking 4 APs (Spanish Lit, Chem AP, Calc BC, and Physics C) now and 1 honors
I am a founding member and president of the Hip Hop Dance Club
I ran track for 2 years
Varsity 2nd singles on a Div 1 Tennis team
I am a senior rep of ACC (asian culture club)
I have been a member of the Jazz Big Band for all 4 years as a Tenor Saxophone player
I wrote for the school paper
I was in two school plays
I am the Conference Chairman in Model UN, and won 7 Best Delegate awards (two of which are from Stanford Model UN Conference), 3 Honorable mentions, and 2 Outstanding Delegate awards
I am in NHS and a national Merit Scholar
I have over 200 hours of community service working in food pantries and going on a Dominican Republic Service Trip
During the summers I worked at Stop&Shop (10-20 hours a week)
I also worked part time year round as a PCA (personal care assistant) for the mentally and/or physically disabled (15 hours a week)
Lastly, my school is the largest Jesuit and Catholic High School in New England and my recs are great from nationally recognized teachers.
I wrote my essay about how me and my brother-in-law have spent the last two years creating rather popular applications on itunes (the names of which I am not allowed to say)
Do you think I have a decent chance at getting into Stanford?</p>

<p>Take Calc and Chem for sure, and probably Spanish (or stats) because taking physics on top of those would be pretty hard to manage.</p>

<p>Stanford AP credit goes mostly to languages, chem, and calc, so i would agree with GFG</p>

<p>Stanford doesn’t have an inorganic chem major, just Chemistry</p>

<p>no response to chances</p>