<p>ok so i got my Dec SAT score and i didn't do so well. my question is will i be able to get the question and answer booklet for the Dec SAT? and do you think i could generally go up 200 points by June..?</p>
<p>if you could be a bit more general, that would be a lot of help… :</p>
<p>how are we supposed to help you if we don’t even know your score? If you got a 1600, 200 is relatively easy. If you got a 2200, a 200 pt increase is very difficult. If you got a 2300, it’s impossible. Try being a bit more specific next time. Help us to help you. </p>
<p>Oh, and for the QAS, you should’ve signed up for it when you registered for the SAT. If you did that, you’ll get the booklet.</p>
<p>QAS comes in 6 to 8 weeks after your bought it.</p>
<p>well i got a 1880</p>
<p>^thats like a failure in CC</p>
<p>CC is not actually a college admissions committee and no one has to be truthful about their real scores. That is the diplomatic version of my comment. </p>
<p>The bare truth is that this board is filled with BS put out by people trying to reduce competition by “psyching out” their fellows. This gets worse in college: “Did you see the
chart in Chapter 20”? This said 15 minutes before a test that only goes to Chapter 18.</p>
<p>Your SAT scores (620 average) are solid for many colleges. You can improve them by studying the test and practicing.</p>
<li><p>Your scores are perfectly fine.</p></li>
<li><p>A 200 point increase is definitely possible. Just practice a lot.</p></li>