<p>To the 760+ scorers in SAT2 USH, is a 760+ score possible if one takes regular USH, or is it impossible without taking APUSH?</p>
<p>I’m wondering the exact same thing…I’m trying to decide whether to try to take the test :P</p>
<p>I got a 790 on SAT II USH, and didn’t do that great on the APUSH exam. So you definitely can score 760+ just by studying on your own (which is what I did).</p>
<p>@OP I got 800 and 5 on AP wewt. I took a class but my teacher didn’t really prepare us AT ALL. So I prepared really hard on my own w/ prep books and flashcards. If you have just taken a normal USH class, you can def pull it off with some prep.</p>
<p>Can self-studying just AMSCO yield 800?</p>
<p>@Silverturtle: In my experience, AP books tend to go more in-depth (at least for USH). Just in case, though, I would recommend doing practice tests to make sure you’ve acquired a sufficient amount of information. It’s just history, when you think about it :)</p>
<p>Silverturtle, dont you already have about 4-5 800s? Whats the point of getting another?</p>
<p>No, I have only two at the moment (shameful I know :)). I hope to self-study for at least two more (Physics and US History).</p>
The more the merrier.</p>
<p>^ Are you still planning on seven?</p>
<p>I had no USH experience since freshman year, self-studied on my own, and got an 800. It is possible, but if you suck at remembering things, like moi, it is a lot of work.</p>
<p>^ What did you self-study with?</p>
<p>I got a 790 on the SAT US History, and a 5 on the AP exam.</p>
<p>I would agree with the other posters, the AP exam goes much more in-depth than the SAT, and studying a book like AMSCO may be overkill. On the other hand, the SAT tends to have some more trivial questions; the best way to prepare for those is by taking practice tests to see which of these “trivial” topics come up more often(On the Road by Jack Kerouac or Cesar Chavez and the grape pickers)</p>
<p>I recommend going over a less in-depth, but still comprehensive AP review book like the Princeton Review or the Barron’s, then taking the sparknotes tests, available here: [SparkNotes:</a> SAT Subject Test: U.S. History: Test Center](<a href=“http://testprep.sparknotes.com/testcenter/sat2/history/]SparkNotes:”>http://testprep.sparknotes.com/testcenter/sat2/history/)</p>
<p>You may be wary of using sparknotes; I was too, but it turned out to be really helpful. I got a 700 on the first test, then gradually improved until I got a 790 (which I ultimately ended up with on the real thing). Just note that, for some reason, tests 6-8 on the sparknotes site are duplicates of previous tests, and won’t do you any good. The other ones are still fine though, and I felt that they were very helpful in getting me prepared for the SAT.</p>
<p>Hope this helped.</p>
<p>Oops, I forgot to answer the original question. Yes, it is definitely possible to get a 760+ on the sat ush without having taken apush. Seeing as you have quite a bit of time to prepare between now and the next test date, you should be fine.</p>
<p>yes its possible to get 450 w/o studying</p>
<p>I got an 800 on the US History Subject test and a 5 on the AP.</p>
<p>You could manage a 760+ on the SATII without the AP, but I highly recommend taking the AP, because that kind of thorough review of the material helps for all of the factual SAT questions. I would not have gotten an 800 without having taken the AP.</p>