Question for a current Whitman student

<p>So I'm making my final decision about college and I just realized that most of Whitman's classes are 4 credit courses. Does this mean that most classes meet 4 days per week? If so, do you like that or do you find it troublesome?</p>


<p>Most classes meet for three hours a week, either in one big chunk, two 1.5 hour blocks, or three 1 hour classes. The last is the most common. The exception is things that are hands-on: labs, art classes, etc.</p>

<p>I’ve never had a class that met four times in a week.</p>

<p>The only classes I know that meet 4 days a week are introductory-level Romance language classes (Spanish, French, and German) and Asian language classes (Chinese, Japanese, and occasionally Arabic).</p>