Question for AU current students or alumni

<p>I’m not a hug sports fan but I’ve been told that school spirit, sporting events are a big thing in college socail life and I was wondering if the lack of a football team at AU is a big deal.</p>

<p>I know college isn’t about sports games but the idea of standing in stands with other AU students cheering on a football team sounds like fun (if the team existed) </p>

<p>So in short, did a lack of a football team kill school sport spirit and such?</p>

<p>im not a current student but i've kept tabs on the school and if you checked out the basketball games at least in the post season it was packed and school spirit seemed immense... but yea... there IS a football team... though its for REAL football not American Throwball xP</p>

<p>I don't think the lack of a football team is the reason why AU students show little support for sports. </p>

<p>IMO (1) students here generally just don't care that much about sports, and (2) the school doesn't really put much effort into promoting sports. </p>

<p>In short, nobody goes too crazy for the Patriot League. Don't come to AU if you really want to be a part of the big college sports scene. That being said, things might change a bit in the future due to our Men's basketball team's recent success.</p>

<p>I wasn't able to get to the game, but after beating Colgate for the Patriot hoops title people rushed the court. It was a featured game nationally on ESPN. USA Today ran a story prior to the game that also featured AU as the red, white and blue "America's team." Pretty good pub to beat out GW and Gtown hoops in the WashPost too.</p>

<p>Funny story for you:</p>

<p>Right after I started my freshman year at AU in 1991, I was walking back to the dorm from the dining hall with a group of my new friends. One girl asked, "Where is the football stadium?"</p>

<p>Clearly, this is someone who had no interest in sports and sports never was a part of her decision to attend AU, but because (a) colleges have football teams and (b) AU is a college, she determined that (c) AU must have a football team.</p>

<p>Even after suffering through some of the worst basketball games in human history during the mid-1990s, I am a huge fan of AU sports. But if you're looking for big-time sports or a campus culture that revolves around sports, AU is not the school for you.</p>