Question for Dan

<p>I am applying as a transfer candidate for the class of 2011. It was recently called to my attention that I mistakenly checked off the box on my application that I received my GED. This shows up on my application as "did not graduate high school and received GED." I did graduate though and my high school transcript which I sent Tufts most likely says that. My question is this: Should I send a letter to tufts admissions, call the admissions and talk to an adcom or just not do anything (I know adcoms dont like being bothered). I didn't send proof I received a GED and my high school transcript shows I graduated so I am sure the admissions team will figure out that I made a mistake even if I dont contact them. I am scared this will impact my admissions decision because they'll think I didnt review my application before submitting but everyone makes mistakes? Any advice Dan or anyone else can give me about how to approach this situation would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>bump (10 char)</p>