Question for parents of humanities majors

But you are responding to a thread created by someone (who claims to be) at an “HYPS level school”.

Unless he or she is lying, they told me they went to a “lower” Ivy in a private message

Will @Twoin18 and @tomtownsend please refer to my earlier post and take their discussion to PM if they wish to debate so the rest of the users do not have to slog through the minutiae?


Exactly. CC LOOOVVEESS pointing out outliers. You’re 100% correct with the Harvard English majors more likely to make below 100k than above 300k. Having Buttigieg as your example is ridiculous.

Yup. I’ve seen this happen a ton. This site is mostly out of touch Boomers and early Gen Xers; entering the working world now requires a much higher degree of STEM competence.

Closing thread. I had asked the discussion abide by the rules and be civil. Name calling is far from civil. The rules are in place for a reason.