question for regent scholars

<p>i screwed up on my GPA for the last three quarters.
and couldn't get a 3.0 in any of the three quarters.
(i know stupid me..)
so after checking on my eFan for this year,
i found that i'm not given any scholarship, which i did expect.
but when i was signing up for my classes,
i was able to sign up for 13 units during priority enrollment time.</p>

<p>does this mean i am still a regent scholar?</p>

<p>I think what happens is that they hold off on your 5500 until you raise your GPA back up to 3.0. And then they give you back the money they withheld from previous years. So maybe they're just awefully nice to regents scholars? definitely double check with financial aid office.</p>

<p>but the 13 units might just be a glitch. ursa has been open all day today for second passes, even for people whose second pass has not come up yet. try signing up for even more units and see what happens. hope this helps.</p>

<p>I can't answer any of these questions because I am not a regents scholar.</p>


<p>ugh! huge pet peeve.</p>

<p>To annoy you, pink. =D</p>

<p>Your sandals say Pink on them.</p>

<p>Yeah, you like them?</p>

<p>what the guys get to sign up for 13 freakin units on priority !!!!</p>

<p>You two are freaks.</p>