question for UCD admissions: am I over the unit limit?

<p>I'm sorry for another question, I feel that I have nowhere else to turn.</p>

<p>I am a first year at UCSC and as of the fall quarter I have 47.5 credits.
By the end of winter, I will have at least 62.5
and by the end of spring, I will have at least 77.5.</p>

<p>to transfer to UC Davis at the sophomore level = any student with less than 90 quarter units, no?</p>

<p>so if I were to take 20 units this quarter..thus bumping my total at the end of the year up to 82.5 credits, I will still be eligible as a sophomore transfer, no? Or will I be rejected on the basis that I am almost at 90 which = enough to transfer as a junior?</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Depending on your major we might require you to be junior level applicant; although you shouldn’t have been able to apply to those majors as a lower division transfer. A lower division transfer student is any student with less than 90 quarter units completed; so it seems you would still be a lower division transfer applicant.</p>

<p>Thank you! I applied into the college of Agricultural and Environmental sciences.</p>