Question on the Arts Supplement

I have a question...
I want to submit some of my artwork, but on the art supplement, it says you need an art instructor to write a letter and you need to post like... an online link
but i never took art classes and i just sort of do my own thing.
So... is it mandatory? Or should i just upload a file describing my situation?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance! :D</p>


<p>Anyone? Please? :(</p>

<p>I’m sure you’ll be fine if you upload a file describing your situation- I’ve never heard of them not looking at art because you don’t have a letter from your art instructor. I think this is just a precaution so they don’t get everyone and their brother turning in doodles and such just to have something to turn in. If your art is important to you (which I’m sure it is!!), just describe what you do and why you like it, maybe why the pieces you’ve selected are important or good examples of that, and I’m sure you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>muchos gracias!!! :D</p>

<p><em>hands virtual cookies</em></p>