Question on UCLA campus tour

<p>today i was trying to arranged a reservation for campus tour and found out all the tour schedule in the summer are FULLLL!!! Can we still join the tour even tho we dont a reservation?</p>

<p>I am pretty sure that if you go to orientation during the summer you can take a housing tour but that is about it, and that depends on whether or not you are planning to attend UCLA in the fall</p>

<p>no… cux i live in the bay area, during the orientation, my parent will accompany to the Orientation as well… but, in my knowledge… i know we cant bring parent to orientation… so i guess all i can do is the campus tour…</p>

<p>there is a parent orientation where they can do a tour</p>

<p>o for real? where can i find that information?</p>

<p>[UCLA</a> Family Orientation](<a href=“]UCLA”></p>

<p>^ omg that family orientation thing is so expensive! w t f
but you do get a cool reusable bag hahahaha</p>

<p>Yay… $60 for a reusable bag… Ahahahah</p>