<p>Daughter will be trying to transfer into Newhouse (from arts and sciences) after first year. Obviously she will try to put together a first year schedule that will result in best possible GPA. She had thought that since she's taken several years of French in HS, she'd take an intro level french course in first year and get an easy A. However, it appears that Syracuse requires a placement exam for languages and that unless she closes her eyes when taking the exam, she'll be placed in a higher level course which won't necessarily be an easy A. Any one have any thoughts on this, on how to be permitted to take the entry level language course?</p>
<p>you can sign up for any foreign language course at or below your placement test…daughter who is a Newhouse junior (and was in Newhouse as a freshman) placed in to Spanish 2 (can’t remember course number) but dropped down one level…</p>
<p>unlike other colleges, SU only requires two semesters of FL not that one achieves a certain level of proficiency…a definite plus!!!</p>
<p>Apparently that’s not the rule in arts and sciences. They will place her in fl based on the test.</p>
<p>^^yup and then she can change it when she registers…nothing is etched in stone…</p>
<p>That’s interesting. I’m just not sure if thats right. I called up and they made it sound like she can’t take a foreign language, in arts and sciences, if that wasn’t her placement—without department head approval. didnt sound like she could just register for what she wanted without getting it approved. There is a difference between Newhouse and Arts and Sciences re the language requirement. So what they permitted your daughter to do in Newhouse, I dont think they permit in Arts and Science where there appears to be a more stringent language requirement. Would be nice if she could do that though.</p>
<p>^^it might have changed…but based on that, what if she decided to start a new language?</p>
<p>the other alternative is to “throw” the placement test; can’t be that difficult to do…unless they aren’t using the placement test anymore?? and using HS courses for placement?</p>
<p>and the department head approval sounds like they thought she wanted to take a higher level not a lower one…</p>
<p>I would wait and see how this plays out after the placement test…maybe someone else can chime in but honestly, I have never heard of this being the case…
everyone my daughter knows did this at Syracuse in every school…in fact, one of her good friends who was a double major in Newhouse and arts and sci started out in a higher level spanish class (from the placement test) and dropped down after the first class to a lower level…and her home school is considered arts and sci (and Spanish is her major)…</p>