<p>I'm getting an F on my math class and I can't withdraw or get an incomplete. I'm transferring to another CC though and I understand my GPA will reset, but will that F still hurt my GPA somewhere down the road? Will they eventually include that F or will it just remain a letter grade on my transcript. </p>
<p>I got an F but I'm retaking it since it's a pre-requisite.</p>
<p>No it’s not a UC transferable class. It’s math 96 Intermediate Algebra. It’s my first year in CC and I did well in all my other classes but missed too many days in my math class due to personal reasons. </p>
<p>Will this hurt my chances from going to a UC?</p>
<p>Well I did some more searching and it seems like UCs focus more on transferable GPA. Doesn’t seem like it will hurt my chances too much. It’s my first F so I started stressing out.</p>
<p>The F will not factor in to your “transferable GPA,” but the UCs will still see that F, so I would make sure that that is your ONLY F and be sure to quickly explain it in the “additional comments” portion of your application when you do apply.</p>