<p>I was just curious if anyone here had gotten an 11 or 12 on the essay without completely filling out both sides of the paper.</p>
<p>^ You pretty much have to. Don't take chances.</p>
<p>I didn't mean to take chances, but I ended up writing in script rather than print. Naturally, my script is much smaller than my print and it's more difficult to fill up both pages in the time limit (there was hardly a minute where I wasn't writing). I believe that my essay was 1 3/4 pages long. I haven't yet gathered the courage to look at my scores online...</p>
<p>I'd look your score up. Write the way that takes up the most space:).</p>
<p>I get more written in cursive, though.</p>
<p>EDIT: Bah! You're deviating from the question. Someone must have written an essay that got a good score that didn't tax the whole second page.</p>
<p>Is it possible to get an 800 writing without a perfect essay?</p>
<p>Yes .</p>
<p>Koax, who are you replying to, me or the op?</p>
<p>Oh, Lord! I am the original poster.</p>
<p>Sorry! I should've read the username, haha. I am so oblivious sometimes.</p>