Question regarding financial aid

<p>Does anyone know when we get our financial aid packages? I thought it came with the admission packet, but it didn't. I guess after we file our FAFSA. How long after we file it? </p>

<p>Thanks. </p>

<p>BTW. Merry Christmas to whoever celebrates it. && a happy early new year to everyoneee. yay i love this time of the year lols =)</p>

<p>yeah i have a ques. about that too. when do they give scolarships??? if u applied ea, and u want to recieve schlorships will they look at your recent SAt scores?</p>

<p>Financial aid and/or scholarships don't come out until spring. Scholarship decisions are done in Februaryish, and usually come out in March. Financial aid can't be done until your FAFSA is done, which can't be done until your '07 taxes are done.</p>

<p>And jelly, yes.</p>


<p>^ well FAFSA CAN be done without '07 taxes...just do estimates and than corrections later if necessary</p>

<p>True, but either way, we're not packaging until spring.</p>
