<p>finacial aid deadline was january 1st? guess i gotta withdraw my application. Y did collegeboard say Feb. 11. Thats misleading.....i wanted to go to cornell but i guess i cant now. DId anyone else miss it and is upset, and is there any way they would take stuff 20 days after the dealine?</p>
<p>I’m really confused about all this, I can’t send my FA stuff until after February 1st b/c of new tax returns and the release of a lot of IDOCs is only AFTER Feb 1st.
It’s definitely not January 1st…
I haven’t sent out my FAFSA anywhere yet b/c I haven’t gotten the tax info for this year that I need yet.</p>
<p>Don’t withdraw your application; there are many people who haven’t sent it in yet.</p>
<p>You couldn’t check the 651651685 other threads on the FA deadline?</p>
<p>It’s their ideal deadline but they still accept financial aid applications after the date.</p>
<p>The 2009 FAFSA doesn’t even come out until Jan 1st, so how could that have been the deadline? O_o</p>
<p>CSS and the Cornell form were due January 1. FAFSA isn’t due until February. Either way, those are priority deadline and Cornell stated that Fin aid forms submitted after the deadlines will still get full consideration.</p>
<p>don’t worry about the deadline. FA is really laid back and slow - they don’t really follow their own deadlines! I submitted my FA stuff a month late and they still reviewed it.</p>
<p>Don’t worry about it. I didn’t even get my financial aid this year until a week after classes started and my roommate didn’t get hers until two months after classes started. FA is always backed up and slow. They probably wouldn’t even notice it was late.</p>
<p>I was a wreck when I saw Jan 1 on their website (I thought I was early starting my css on jan 4). Then on their fin aid form it said jan 5, so I rushed it in that night. The website says that they still do accept them later, so still send it in.</p>
<p>Why would they want it so early!</p>
<p>They want it early so they can get a head start reviewing applications. The deadline is a benchmark to get the bulk of the application in time to review over the next three months.
Imagine if they asked for it later, then they wouldn’t be able to look over the applications in time before you get into school. There are probably over 15K people applying for aid.</p>
<p>I think my parents always sent in the previous years tax stuff and then sent in the new ones as soon as they got them and that seemed to be fine with FA.</p>