I am a current student at Penn State UP, and I am thinking about transferring into the honors college via gateway if I have the opportunity. I was wondering if anyone can give me advice/information regarding this program? I already did some research, and all I was able to find was a brief description of the program on the SHC website, but other than telling me that I should aim to have a 3.5 semester GPA and a cumulative 3.7, it really didn’t give me any insight on their selection process. For example, does the major I am in affect how strict that 3.7 GPA is weighted into the decision of whether or not I get in? If anyone has any information regarding the program itself, it will be greatly appreciated!
The selection process is conducted by the department of your declared or intended major (I think at the college level in some instances where a department is small). Each department will have different requirements, but the 3.5/3.7 that was recommended is a good starting point. SHC is not involved in selecting the applicants, but will approve the nominee. You should contact the department of your major and ask your academic advisor about the requirements and your desire to be nominated. The department that I know requires a minimal GPA and a grade of A in a number of core courses required for the major. The student is invited to apply for gateway admission via email based on a screening of their academic performance. A student can asked to be nominated independent of the screening process, however. It helps (but not required) if the student has identified a research advisor to perform their thesis research. Another thing that can help is if he/she has taken an honors class and did well. Again, this is one department, others will have different requirements.