Question regarding the student body

<p>The fact of work hard and play hard mentality is understood for UMiami, but is the school more academic based or party based? Maybe i've been reading into student reviews/complaints too much. I'm kind of phobic that it's just a rich kids play ground. I understand that all colleges have that student body, but is it really that big of an issue?</p>

<p>This has been discussed over and over in old threads. Try to read through some of them. </p>

<p>I can tell you this:</p>

<p>My daughter was worried about the same thing last year and is almost done with her freshmen year at Miami and absolutely LOVES it there. She is very into academics and is triple majoring in Marine Sciences/Bio/Chem. She is more the geeky, non-partying, but still fun loving and down to earth type and was really afraid she would not fit in. </p>

<p>She instantly found lots of kids she could relate to and has quite a big group of friends. </p>

<p>Miami is very diverse and you will find all types there. It is a great school. Congratulations and good luck to you!</p>

<p>Alright maybe i’m overreacting. I greatly appreciate it SVMMom! And thank you!
One more question for you, how is the academic rigor for classes in the Science department (since your daughter is swimming in science) haha :)</p>


<p>LOL! good one.</p>

<p>I understand your concerns because we read all those reviews last year at this time and were also worried. I think what you have to remember is that the people who usually take the time to post those reviews are the ones who are dissatisfied. Happy students, for the most part, do not write reviews.</p>

<p>As for the rigor of the science courses, she has had to work very hard in her 200 level bio course as the professor is going at a lightening speed. She hears that the marine science class and 200 level orgo class she has in the fall are “death” (her way of saying extremely challenging). She was a top student in HS having a uw gpa of 3.96 and weighted of 4.42 while taking 11 APs. She had a guaranteed transfer to Cornell for the fall and is not going to use it as she is so happy with the level of academics at Miami.</p>

<p>Is there a way to find out if one can have a guaranteed transfer to another university? Also, do you believe it is worth the amount of money to go to UMiami (tuition and all) although i am going to be paying roughly around half and my parents actually insist on UMiami, i just don’t want to put them in any unneeded financial situations.</p>

<p>“Guaranteed” transfer? Those programs are to my knowledge very rare.</p>



<p>Frankly you can ask that question about any and every college, only you can decided what’s “worth it” based on your own personal situation. </p>

<p>Maybe I’m reading too much into your comments, but from what I can tell mangoman, you don’t seem too excited about the prospect of going to Miami. If you do go there with that attitude chances are pretty good that you’ll perform poorly in the classroom thereby sabotaging any chances you have of transferring to a school you really want. If you truly don’t want to attend Miami I suggest having a frank discussion with your parents about the reasons; hopefully your reasons are bigger than “my friends are all going to…”.</p>

<p>Vinceh you are reading too much into it, frankly I’m very excited to go to Miami, it’s just doubts that have been instilled into my head as SVMom had pointed out. I believe it’s worth it, so do my parents. My reasons were actually opposite then “my friends are going” because i know no one going from my school attending, actually no one that has fully confirmed they are going in general. Maybe it’s just because there’s not so much hype around me as UF hype is (I’m in south Fla). Everyone at my school is UFUFUFUFUFUF so i’m trying to get exposure, and personally i’d love to be someone to represent a hurricane.</p>

<p>Cornell offers a guaranteed tranfer to a select few students each year. I think there were about 100 students who got one from Cals last year. My daughter received one. </p>

<p>Essentially they give students who almost made the cut a way of transferring in for sophomore year w/o havng to re-apply. You have to take courses at your first year school that are equivalent to the courses you would take at Cornell and then get a 3.0 or above average with no grade below a C and you are in automatically.</p>

<p>Here is a thread from the Cornell page of CC:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thank you!
How about the tuition worth from my previous comment to you SVMom?</p>

<p>Parent of a 'Cane</p>

<p>HS valedictorian. 4.0 unweighted GPA. 13 AP’s and 1 college credit course.</p>

<p>He has not complained about the academics and we all feel he is getting a quality education.</p>

<p>Party school? Just like every college, kids can go out and drink every night or not at all. Son does go out and do other things, ie sports and concerts.</p>


<p>In order to answer whether Miami is “worth it” I would need to weight many factors. What is your major? What are your other options? What amount do you have to still cover for Miami? What do your other options cost? Can your parents afford it?</p>

<p>My major is Psychology for the moment (but plan to switch it to Neuroscience if i attend), other options are UF and USF, I have about 23k to cover, the other colleges are about 15-18k, and yes my parents can afford it now (after the grants/scholarship)</p>


<p>Without this devolving into another UF Vs. UM thread, I get the feeling you would love to have some counterpoints to the constant UF barrage you get (you posted “UF” six times) from peers. Below is one example of such an exchange…</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;