Question to others on the waitlist

If you log in to your SIS and hit “view decision” are the buttons “I wish to remain on the waitlist” and so on still there for you? They still are for me. I thought I pressed it last month but now I’m scared.

Check out the second question here:


@“Dean J” Thanks! Also, do waitlisted letters of interest go to or to the specific email address of the admissions officer reviewing your application? We originally called the admissions office and were told they go to the officer for my area, and so I sent it to him. However, I read your comment in that blog entry that they should go to the uvaapplicationinfo email. We called again and got a consensus on the uvaapplicationinfo email, so I also sent it there. I hope it isn’t too late to affect my application or look bad. Could you please weigh in on this?

Any letter I get is forwarded to the processing folks. If you send to, it goes straight to the processing folks. Much faster.