Should waitlist letters of interest be mailed or emailed?

Also, is it worth scanning my midterm report card or will that not really change anything? My grades are as good as they always were, not significantly better or anything.

They won’t be looking at the waitlist until they have decisions from accepted students; that deadline is May 1. After that, the school can look at what gaps they still have to fill (if any) in the incoming class.

They should have had your midyear grades before making any decision to offer you a spot on the waitlist.

You could send them end of year grades if they are strong, but going to the waitlist is usually for when they need something specific (not enough incoming nursing majors to fill the seats, the marching band needs a trumpeter, etc.). It is not about the overall strength of your application anymore. You just have to hope they are short of whatever you have to offer.

@FCCDAD I should have specified that my school has a semester system, so when I said “midterm grades”, I was referring to grades for the Jan-March half of this second semester of classes. My guidance councilor already sent my finals report for the August-January semester, which was reviewed with my application. I was thinking about sending my final 2nd semester grades, but I realized it wasn’t possible since Dean J said on her blog they finish sending offers by about the ballpark of June 5th, and I should receive my final report card within days of that. Oh well.

Last week I sent in my letter of interest and spring midterm report card to the dean who views applications from my area. However, I just noticed a comment on Dean J’s blog:

“There’s no rush. Maybe wait until you have some new information to provide and then email”

Was I supposed to send this info to that email address, and not to the dean for my area?

Standard protocol is always the regional dean.

^^^actually, that is not true. Dean J just posted earlier this week that if someone emails her that she forwards it to the people at the address that BassGuitar used. She said it is quicker, and that she prefers, the info goes directly to the UVAapp email.

On the very page where you would look up the email address of a dean, it says:

Back in the day, our email addresses were hidden because our staff was even smaller. We work in teams to read files. Emailing one person just slows things down.