
<p>question from one who was accepted--and congrats to all to were! :) anyway, i'm slightly concerned about my first semester grades. i've been hearing differing opinions on what UNC considers when they review year-end transcripts, and because i got a C+ in my government honors class i'm a little worried that that could be something counted against me later on. i would bring up the C+, but government honors is only a semester and i'm in econ honors now.</p>

<p>so the main question is: will a drop in grades (from a B+ to a C+) make UNC change their minds? or is it truly something more drastic, like dropping an AP class?</p>

<p>If you drop a class or fail, or have a GPA reduction of major points (4.6 to 4.0), then they might revoke the offer.</p>

<p>But honestly, don’t worry about it.</p>

<p>no its not a big deal, but dont mess up anymore. My friend got his offer rescinded and he wrote them a letter about some health problems he was having and how he also had managed to tutor other people during this time…so he showed that he wasn’t just goofing off, he had other challenges…</p>

<p>but you dont want to have to write that letter and beg for re-admission, just do well from now on</p>

<p>I wouldn’t worry about it but make sure your grade doesn’t slip anymore or they could revoke your acceptance.</p>

<p>what about Bs in all academic classes (but 3 APs and an honors math) and then 3 As in arts/journalism? it’ll be about a 3.42 UW, in comparison to a 3.55 UW overall and a 4.0 W compared to a 4.2 W overall (all 4 years). Is that okay for my mid-year grades or will they rescind/threaten to rescind offer? I was pretty active this fall in the same activities that I believe got me into UNC in the first place, which accounts for a lack of As. Am I in trouble?!?!?!!?</p>

<p>based on what i’ve learned from this thread and friends of mine who do go to UNC i would say you are totally safe. one of my friends’ friends nearly failed AP physics and was fine.</p>

<p>I had a friend who, after getting into Carolina EA, submitted his mid-year grades which boasted a class marked Incomplete and a C in AP Calc, and a smattering of B’s in other classes. He later got the Incomplete fixed, and never had the decision rescinded. You’ll do fine.</p>

<p>OK this semester was not my best…will i get a letter/rescind cause of two Cs? (semester is not over yet, but that is worst case scenario). do they actually check the mid-year grades? i am getting screwed over by AP world and calc and am therefore freaking out. thatd be 2 Cs plus 2 Bs and 3 As</p>