Questioning MEE Degree...Low GPA Transfer

<p>I'm at the point in my academic career where I'm questioning my major. I just transferred to a university and changed my major to MEE in the process. If anyone knows anything about transferring, it's a good way to screw yourself our of a good GPA. I completed most of my gen-eds at my prior university and now all I have left are my major classes. I'm in a very reputable engineering and the courses load and difficulty is extreme. I choose the harder school in our area because I was told that our engineers are preferred over the other university in the area </p>

<p>Ok, so here's my problem. I love designing and I love math, but physics....not so much. I was told that the classes I'm taking right now are the weeder classes for MEE. I'm stressing about my choice in changing my major. My main goal is to work in the automotive engineering field. Is a low GPA that big of a deal? I won't have all the gen-eds that most students have to pad their cum GPA. Also, I was talking to someone who uses the phrase "C's get Degrees". I understand that the overall goal is to get the degree, but still. Will barely scraping by with a 2.0-2.5 GPA really prepare you for the things that you will be doing in a real life engineering job? If i do get a job, will I look like a idiot when I struggle with thermo/physics/ statics/mechanics calculations or do they have programs and train you on the things you will need! </p>

<p>Im in my second semester of major classes with a 3.18 GPA. I still have about 70 credits to complete.</p>

<p>I was also told that even with a low GPA, a MEE degree will still be better than any other degree I could get and that there are other paths you can take with a MEE degree. Thoughts on this? </p>

<p>It's frustrating when I could be a business major, not stress at all, and still come out with a 3.5-4.0GPA</p>

<p>Any advice and advice would be awesome. Thanks </p>

<p>What part of physics do you struggle with? It’s a little strange that you love math but don’t like physics.</p>