Questions about Housing - Don't Want a Single

<p>My D was originally going to room with a friend from high school (friends but not close/best friends) but her friend was accepted late after campus housing was already full. </p>

<p>So, now I'm looking at her housing rankings and suddenly have a concern about her being assigned to a single room. I don't want to pay the extra cost for a single and she and I both feel a room-mate would be a better Freshman experience. It doesn't appear that you have any place to identify your preference for a double (or a single room). She currently has Elizabeth Waters as her first choice, Ogg as her second (not sure I like the idea of the higher cost for the new dorms either), Smith as her third choice, Barnard Hall as her fourth and Chadbourne as her fifth choice. From what I can tell, Smith and Barnard have single rooms. What are her chances of being assigned a single room? It just seems odd that you wouldn't have a choice in this matter - since I'm sure there are many people who really want a single and maybe just as many who don't. Why make it random? </p>

<p>Any input would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>Small chance for a single, even for those who want one. You can call Res Halls during business hours and ask them your question about room assignments. I wouldn’t be surprised if singles have all been taken by returning students, but for official info go to the source.</p>

<p>If you wanted to, (Which I’m not sure if I do) would it be possible to request to room with a friend from high school?</p>

<p>Both prospective roommates have to agree and choose the same rankings for dorms. By now I’m sure deadlines have passed- they will do the computer assignments and get the results out to incoming students before SOAR begins in early June.</p>

<p>I’m only a junior in high school, I was just wondering if next year when I’m worrying about housing, if rooming with a friend is possible, and how would I go about it?</p>

<p>Once you are admitted Res Halls will send you the information on requesting a room and roommate. Just a matter of both parties filling out the paperwork.</p>