Questions about Miami

<p>How "preppy" is it? Are there more Democrats than Republicans or vice versa? Is anyone in the Sports Administration program and could tell me anything about it? Is the campus safe? Thanks, I appreciate it.</p>

<p>Very preppy. A higher density of rich and attractive people than almost any other college campus, with the exception of maybe USC.</p>

<p>Well....are there preppy kids....yes. But, there's also an abundance of geeks, athlete's, left-winger's, right-winger's, and everyone in between as well. :) </p>

<p>Here is a link to a pretty good discussion we had about safety awhile back...<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I'm accepted into the Sport Administration program. You may want to PM cathymee, her son was accepted to the program, and he spent last summer in the SA summer program. It's a fantastic program, with fantastic regional reputation, great connections with internships in the Miami area, as well as in their own athletic department.</p>

<p>Question about Sports Management, I'm not really sure what job I would like to have in the sports industry. I'd really like to work for a baseball team and do something probably financial. Do you know a good website to look at specific jobs and what each one does? Thanks</p>

<p>Just go to any team's website, they usually have a staff list and show a person's name and their title. You could google it from there, and it will tell you what each title means.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice.</p>

<p>Could someone tell me about the party scene there? Is it over the top or like sort of balanced with studying? How motivated are the people there?</p>

<p>redsoxguy111: Every school is what YOU make it! I can't stress this enough. Yes, with very hot gals,fabulous weather and super school spirit and sports, there is a strong party scene. </p>

<p>However, Miami has a strong endowment and strong academics. If you want to study hard and get good instruction and have a lot of choices in majors and offerings to choose from,you will find that at Maimi too.</p>

<p>The level of social opportunities is high, but so are the academic standards. If you don't strike a balance you will not last long at UMiami. Their motto is "At UM students work hard, learn hard and play hard."</p>

<p>I need help to choose between Tulane University and University of Maimi. On financial side, both Universities are somewhat equal for me: full tuition or pretty close. </p>

<p>But there are other considerations.
I will be a science major (biology, biomedical engineering), so quality of education is very important factor. Another factor is a city where U is located (Maimi vs. NOLA). </p>

<p>What are your thoughts?</p>

<p>Thanks guys, it sounds like Miami is almost perfect for me. I really appreciate the advice.</p>

I think, that as far as academics you'll find Tulane and UM very close. It seems a lot of kids apply/accepted to both. The biggest differences are campus and city atmosphere. There, they couldn't be more different. Have you visited each? I think it ultimately comes down to YOUR personal preference. Don't let anyone else make the decisions for you, and I sure wouldn't base the next four years based on what you read here. Yes, take the good info you gain here, then apply it to yourself, and make yourself happy. Because you will get a good education at either place. </p>

<p>Best wishes!</p>

<p>Question about school spirit: I know there is a ton of spirit for football, but what about basketball and baseball?</p>

<p>rofl. All other sports pale in comparison to football. People do show up for the guy's basketball team but the women's games are usually empty (really, like no one there except for the people that have to be there). Baseball isn't a big deal either (although I'd assume some people do show up).</p>

<p>Thanks, I absolutely love football, but I was just wondering about basketball and baseball.</p>

<p>wow, who is awake so early. Go to sleep, it's a saturday!</p>

<p>Just woke up, my dad made me get up early for something.</p>