Questions about student life and school!

I know lots of you are prepping to go to GW so ask any questions here and someone will probably answer :slight_smile: Anything at all, from Greek life to professors to food insecurity lol

  1. Since CI is now part of orientation August 21-25 and incoming freshman will register in their own in July will there be any academic advising by school (eg Elliott) in advance? 2. How would you rank order room types in Thurston followed by how you would rank other freshman residence halls in FG. 3. Any truth to the rumor that Thurston is scheduled for renovation starting this fall. 4 any insights to the programming in the April admitted student days.


Asking for my son who is not a social media guy


  1. CI has been completely revamped so it's difficult to know exactly how everything is going to happen. For specific questions, I think you'll have to refer to either official GW pages or contacting someone in Admissions. Link for CI:
  2. Room types are mostly subjective. Some students love doubles, some love quads. I think general consensus, however, is that 5- and 6-person rooms are a zoo, lol. Not that your student can't have a great experience overall, but there will be more "growing pains" than other room types. As far as other dorm rankings, again, purely subjective. You can do a search within the form here and get A LOT of info on what others have said about the individual dorms. See an older post of mine:

Again, it’s subjective, but here’s how I would personally rank the freshman dorms (and why) on Foggy:

  1. Potomac (newer and I like the set-up)
  2. Madison (even though it’s older I love the centrality to EVERYTHING)
  3. Lafayette (newer and a bit more quiet)
  4. Mitchell (they’re all singles and at the extreme end of campus. I would not enjoy living here)
  5. Thurston (way, way, WAY too crowded for my personality type)
  1. I have seen zero evidence for Thurston being renovated, especially as soon as this fall. There has been funding set aside, but I assume that the logistics of GW having to give-up **1,116** beds is daunting and they may attempt to do it in phases that can be completed over summer sessions.
  2. I don't have any insight into the Admitted Student Days as I never did it. However, knowing what I know now, I'd highly recommend students taking advantage of whatever opportunity they have to see GW before they move-in come fall. Each visit seems to be a new learning experience, whether it's finding a good place for food, seeing more of the dorms, visiting a class, or (ideally) meeting other students that you'd like to room with in the fall.

Hi … I’m a mom to a current Freshman at GW.

  1. Any truth to the rumor that Thurston is scheduled for renovation starting this fall. We heard the rumors but as other said, not sure where they will put the 1000+ kids. Thurston was my daughter's last choice and ended up getting it. She had signed up with another girl she found through the FB GW group and had the same choices for dorms. Thurston houses a huge number of Freshman so chances of getting in there are high. Thurston is very old, my daughter has had mold in her room 4 times and they finally gave them a large dehumidifier. She is in a 6 person, if you can find 6 people to room with, I think its a better option than a 4 person which is basically 1 room for 4 people. The 6 person is set with 3 different rooms - think of the space like a 1 bedroom apartment. My daughter and her roommate have the bedroom and it is actually large. 3 girls are in the main room that would like the size of the living room of the apartment, the last room has 1 girl and it is the size of a small narrow kitchen. Everyone gets a closet and there is 1 bathroom. The 6 person is on the corners and there are lots of windows so that is nice plus she is on an upper floor with less road noise and nice views. If you can get a 2 person in Thurston it is not too bad. Personally, I think if they could just revamp the bathrooms and add a kitchen on each floor, it would be OK..Bathrooms look like they are from the 1940-50s. Pretty gross.

4 any insights to the programming in the April admitted student days. We went to admitted student days and it was nice to get another look at the campus.

Thurston Hall renovation…