Questions about the Wellesley 100 Essay?

Is anyone willing to let me read their past Wellesley 100 Essay? From what I’ve been told it’s not the same as the freshman, right? It tells me to pick two of the 100 items from a link but my essay is incredibly short. I can’t get it to be over 250 and it’s really sad because I want to talk about a lot of the things I like but I can only pick two.
Or are these items just overall topics? Like if I pick majors, can I talk about my major or do I have to talk about the fact that there’s a whole lot of majors (which wouldn’t really help in my case)?

I pm’d you mine (:

Hi! I know this is late but can I see your Wellesley 100 essay too if possible? I just wrote mine (about 400 words) and it’s too broad apparently… :frowning: