Questions about transferring to UC colleges?

<p>So I'm moving to california to go to college but before I do, to save money I'm going to my local community college, Greenville tech for one year. I'm then going to move to Los Angeles for a year, declare myself dependent and get a job to save for college while I become a resident so I qualify for in state tuition. Then I'm going to go to Santa Monica community college. I'm doing this because I know that colleges give first transferring priority to ccc students. My question is will they give me first priority since I only went to ccc for one year? Also will they look at my gpa from freshman or sophmore year? Thanks so much if you answered!!</p>

<p>Getting in state residency is much much easier if u do CCC for 2 years … And for the priority as long as u end in a Calif community college you good, but I wouldn’t recommend it because the UCs have transfer agreements with the CCCs so u can go into the TAG/TAP programs … And gain guaranteed admission to some schools</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“UC Legal - Office of the General Counsel | UCOP”>UC Legal - Office of the General Counsel | UCOP;

<p>I know the first link says “UCSD” but it’s the same for every UCs
Both links describe what you need for residency in calif</p>

<p>Jessi1864, I recommend you post a question about your intent to “declare yourself independent” on the [Financial</a> Aid & Scholarships - College Confidential](<a href=“]Financial”>Financial Aid and Scholarships - College Confidential Forums) forum. You will find that you have no say in whether you are considered independent… “declaration” or not.</p>

<p>They will give you first priority. UCs will look at your sophomore and junior year if you complete less than 60 units at a CC</p>