Questions about transferring with decent college grades (and poor HS ones)

<p>My friend and I are in a similar position. We both aren't very satisfied with our current colleges and are hoping to transfer for the fall 2009 semester.</p>

<p>I did absolutely horribly in High School. My GPA was about a 2.0 and my SAT 1810 with all three sections and a 1170 with just math and reading. I got into St. John's University though and my GPA is probably going to be around 3.4 or 3.5 by the end of the year. I also can definitely get a great recommendation from one of my current professors</p>

<p>My friend had about 3.3 GPA in High School with 1460 combined SAT score and 1100 on math and reading alone. He ended up going to CUNY York and his college GPA is looking like a 3.3.</p>

<p>I have a few questions in regards to all of this. First of all, I know that a lot of the deadlines for the transfer applications are in february. Most of the schools I want to apply to say they won't look at high school grades if I have 24 or more college credits. By the time I am done in May, I will indeed have 24 college credits but the deadline is in february. </p>

<p>Will the schools wait for the term to finish or will I have to send them my High School transcript? Moreover, if I do, will they focus more on the college GPA and overlook the poor High School one?</p>

<p>Here is a list of the schools we are both considering</p>

<p>Stony Brook

<p>I understand that most of these are a stretch but these are schools we had wanted to go to but couldn't do to poor performances in High School. I don't want to turn this into a "What are my chances" post but are these considerable schools based on our previous grades?</p>

<p>Any help would be greatly appreciated</p>

<p>Perhaps this is more appropriate for the transfer forum?</p>

<p>I don’t know the answer to your questions, but I would repost this on the Parents Forum. There are a lot of very knowledgeable people there and you may get some good advice. Best of luck to both of you!</p>