Questions about UMiami

I’m interested in going to the University of Miami for a bio/chem major on the pre-med track, due to what i’ve heard about its programs and advising, and also because the environment seems really nice and supportive. However, i barely know anything about the real way to get in, and prepscholar doesn’t give enough information. If you know anything about the school, or currently attend, please let me know anything i should know before putting it on my list :slight_smile:

  1. is the premed program as good as people say it is ?
  2. how hard is it to get in - i currently have a 3.9 unweighted gpa and a 770 on the bio SAT (taking chem this year) with like 4-5 diverse clubs and hospital volunteering
  3. how are the biology and chemistry programs ?
  4. is greek life prominent on campus ?
  5. is it harder for out of state students to get in (i live in New York) / receive financial aid? are there good financial aid packages?

forgot to mention i’m the valedictorian of my class and stand out amongst my peers (i go to a really large school in a not so great area of NYC)

@nycmichael As a parent of 2 Miami students, I’ll answer the questions that I have some knowledge.

1 - My son was premed, and he had a great experience. Did great on his MCAT and got into a Top 20 med school.

2 - You can find a lot of information regarding the admittance rates online.

5 - Miami is a private school, so it doesn't matter whether or not you're instate.