Questions about William and Mary

<p>Hi, I have applied to William and Mary and I have couple question</p>

<p>1.Diversity- How is their diversity? Is there lots of international students? Because I am Internation students from Korea and it is really important to me</p>

<p>2.Business program- How is there undergraduate program? Is it ranked high? are bussiness classes pretty tough? how is job employment after graduation?</p>

<p>Thanks a lot and hopefully, I can get into william and mary!</p>

<p>My daughter had an international roommate her first year…from Romania. She’s friends with many international students. The campus is quite diverse…even persons from the same enthnicity are quite varied in interests. Unique personalities are quite prevelant. Some schools, the student body looks homogenous.</p>

<p>Not much information on the business school except they are in the process of building a new building to house the business school. </p>

<p>Good luck. D2 is applying for Fall 2009 admission as well.</p>

<p>1) There is an entire Dorm (Reves Hall) for international and internationally-minded students, if you are worried about finding others that are from outside the US. Even outside from that dorm, I have friends from all over, including Africa, Mexico, China, Hong Kong, Korea, Denmark, and practically everywhere! That said, racial and geographic diversity is not the only types of diversity. I have friends from completely different economic and family and lifestyle backgrounds as well.
[Reves</a> Center | Homepage](<a href=“]Reves”></p>

<p>2) I believe the business school is ranked in the 20s (not sure if that’s grad or undergrad). What I do know is that they have an awesome and absolutely humongous LEED certified 75 million dollar new building opening up next semester! I was thinking about taking a business class just so I could be in there! And to learn about business, of course.</p>

<p>Good luck VTlove (not W&M love? =P j/k)
and good luck to your daughter momray!</p>

<p>Here’s a link to the W & M Business Department webpages:[The</a> Mason School of Business at the College of William & Mary](<a href=“]The”></p>

<p>And here’s an excerpt from last year’s Business Week issue about B-school rankings:
"The College of William and Mary Undergraduate Business Program is one of the “Elite Eight” public programs in the country, according to the 2008 BusinessWeek Best Undergraduate Business Schools. With an overall ranking of 29th among all business schools in the United States, the Undergraduate program at the Mason School improved its standing among students, a critical factor in the ranking.</p>

<p>“The program’s Top 5 placement in student-faculty ratio, 10.53 to 1, may have very well produced the increased satisfaction among students as well as the perfect marks its faculty received in teaching quality.” </p>

<p>I’ve heard that the accounting program is especially well-regarded.</p>

<p>I dont’ know about numbers of international students, but I knew a fair number of them while I was there, and the campus is very welcoming.</p>

<p>The business program is very good (I think there are some current business students on the board, so maybe they will post). They have a brand new building opening in the fall, that is just, awesome.</p>

<p>You can look at what people do after graduating by going here: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; and choosing different majors.</p>