<p>Originally posted in Financial Aid Forum, but hope to get some help from the parents:</p>
<p>Questions regarding Non-Custodial </p>
<p>I have several questions regarding non-custodial parents:</p>
<p>1)Is there any calulators that one can guess the non-custodial parents info and put their own actual info to figure out what some of these colleges might do?</p>
<p>2)Will both me and my ex get SEPERATE efcs? For example, I've already filed the Fafsa and know our efc. Once the profile is submitted by the ex, will it change (assuming it would with his income included), but will the difference show under HIS responsibility? He is claiming he can't (read: WON'T) help with college, and am wondering if this might give me leverage in the arguements that are sure to follow.</p>
<p>3)Can someone please confirm for my peace of mind that with the FAFSA, there is nothing the non-custodial parent has to do, file or submit? Only my information, correct? (I'm not remarried)</p>
<p>4) Ex is out of town, and won't file the non-custodial profile part until second week of February. Some of the schools have Feb. 1st deadline. My Fafsa and profile are already submitted. How strict will the schools be about ex's part? Should I call them? Anyone have any experience with ex being late with his/her part?</p>
<p>Thanks for your help. I really need it!</p>