<p>I know a lot of people who have dropped out of WPI. Should I assume that this is something related more to their dedication to their academics rather than the school, or is WPI just that tough? </p>
<p>Also, what do you know about the engineering physics program at WPI (classes taken, number of graduates, their outcomes, etc.)? I’ve been able to find out very little. I’d love to know. Thanks.
<p>I’d also like to be unofficially chanced.</p>
<p>State: Michigan
Gender: Female
Type of High School: Fairly competitive–and tiny–public. You have to apply to get in, meet test score requirements, and maintain a certain GPA if you don’t want to be kicked out. We send kids to the U of M frequently, and to some other top colleges. No Ivies, really.
Class Rank: I’m not positive, but I’m pretty sure I’m in the top 10%. I know there are only three kids with 4.0 GPAs, and I’m just behind them.
Prospective Majors: Not sure yet. Engineering physics? Biology/biotech? Biomedical engineering? Math with a focus on statistics? Dabble in computer science? I don’t know.
<p>GPA: 3.98 unweighted. We don’t weight.
ACT: Two tries with 32 composites both times. I’m re-taking in September.
December 2008: 36E, 34R, 28M (subscores of 16, 14, 14), 29S (essay is pretty irrelevant, but I got a 10)
March 2009: 36E, 34R, 29M (subscores of 18, 12, 15), 30S (essay was 11)
SAT: One try–definitely re-taking.
January 2009: 750CR, 640M, (720W, essay was 10)</p>
<p>Courses: My school doesn’t offer APs or honors math classes, so I don’t have any of those on my resume. I’ve had an A or A- in all of the math classes I’ve taken, with an upward trend in that department. Basically, I understand math, but it’s hard for me to show it on the SAT. I’ve been in honors science classes for the past two years (chem and physics) and have had the same grades in those as my math classes. Next year, I’ll be taking AP Biology. I’ve had AP classes in English and history, for what that’s worth.</p>
<p>Extracurriculars: I’ve done choir every year of high school (three years at a professional level) and I average 5 hours a week rehearsing and performing. I’m also a member of the varsity Quiz Bowl team, which has a pretty good record, and the legislative debate team (I’ve won some awards for speaking). I volunteer each summer as a mentor for a youth opera education program, and I’m the student council secretary. </p>
<p>I’ve been interning with the neuroscience and cancer facilities at a local hospital this summer, and I’m planning on finally joining a local FIRST team (after hanging out with it for the past two years…). </p>
<p>Thanks again! :)</p>