<p>I am trying to compile a list of schools that I have a pretty good chance of getting into and American is sort of on the top of that list. So
Is financial aid any good at all?<br>
Is it true that east coast people are sort of unfriendly? I come from west coast so everyone here is pretty nice. I have just heard about this attitude on the east coast that makes it difficult to adjust to.
How good are the history, english, political sciences, and international affairs programs? Especially history since that is what I really really want to major in.<br>
I have a very bad score on the ACT (27) and was wondering how that would impact admissions?</p>
<p>My daughter has already applied, and we went for ano overnight visit last week, so I'll do my best to answer your questions.
1. Don't know about need based, but they give excellent merit money.
2. I have lived in NY my entire life, and it's like anywhere else, there are friendly & unfirendly people. Keep in mind, big cities are not like small towns, you don't walk donw the street in DC and have strangers saying hi, but I wouldn't say us east coast people are unfriendly. If you are friendly others will be friendly back.
3. The poly sci & international affairs program are top notch. I dont know about the others, but being in DC provides a lot of internship opportunities as well as many cultural ones.
4. I wouldn't say a 27 is "very bad". Check out their web site to see where that scores falls into their range for acceptances. I am not all that familiar with the ACT, only the SAT.
Good luck!</p>
<p>Thanks for the info. I guess that this is not exactly the busiest part of the forum. I am still having a little trouble grasping this whole east coast thing. I mean people on the west coast and especially in alaska comment on how rude and mean easterners are. Now I have never really believed this since it seems a little cliche. The funny thing though is that people in my hometown are very very impolite. As a general rule people here never smile, never hold the door if your arms are full, and never ask you if you need help when you are having car problems. If anyone (especially if you have moved to the east from the west) could please elaborate on this aspect of the east coast I would be very grateful.</p>
<p>Hey... I moved from Colorado to Philly and honestly, I dont think that easterners are unfriendly. I think they are just more in a hurry. But the drivers really arent that bad and generally everyone is polite. I guess that this whole topic is based on generalizations that are way too broad to have any meaning. Anywhere you go there will be friendly and unfriendly people, but I wouldnt say that the east coast is that much dfferent from the west.</p>
<p>but they will make fun of you for the way you talk ;)</p>
<p>btw i think that I'm like the nicest person ever... and omg i go to AU.... the chances... haha</p>
<p>1) aid $... if u need it they will give it... they are actaully quite good about that....</p>
<p>2) east coast... again i am the NICEST PERSON EVER!!! haha omg and i grew up in NY all my life... overall AU is a very friendly school... some poli sci major people are kinda scary and intense... but overall college it what u make of it... if u sit in your room all day... u will have no friends... if u go out... u meet people... your friendly... people will like u.. this is true at any college though
3) poli sci, history, etc... r great programs... i'm a poli sci and CLEG (communications, law, economic, and gov) major fun stuff... i have great interesting and insightful profs... overall amazing
4) i really don't know about the ACTs... what is a 27 equal to on the SAT scale? well i got a 1240 (600v 640 m) and i got in.. along w/ a 3.3 gpa... </p>
<p>my advice: apply (i believe its still free if you apply online), go visit... i'd stay stay over as well.... like w/e this time last year i would never imagin myself at AU... but i'm here and lovin it...</p>
<p>please PM me anytime if you have more questions.... i'm more then happy to help </p>
<p>P.S. Pilebay... srry for not asnwering your first PM a few days ago... life is ALWAYS really crazy right before the holidays.. but if you do have questions.. seriously feel free to PM me and i will try my very best to get back to u ASAP</p>
<p>pps. in terms of group dynamics at AU... princeton is wrong.... bacially how it works is that there isn't like a "prep" group and a "skater" group like in some hs... how it works its just like groups of people.. like i have my core group of 8, but i also have other friends... and yeah everyone at AU is really great... but like w/e u go.... you'll find people who u don't like... but what is nice about AU is that its 5,000 undergrad... if u see someone u don't like... don't hang out w/ them ;-) </p>
<p>Thanks doublelayer009 that was really helpful. I have decided to apply and I think that I have a pretty good chance. I applied early decision to Rice but American is now my second choice so maybe I will see you on campus next year.</p>
<p>I was wondering what my D's chances would be for admission-she had an 1100 on her old SAT's, her weighted GPA is about 4.2 and her rank is in the top 5%. She has applied regular decision. We went to visit last spring and she seems to really like the school and campus.</p>
<p>Hey it sounds like I have a lot of the same stats as your daughter! In fact I got an 1100 SAT have a 4.2 GPA and am ranked 2/204! Has she taken the ACT though? I did a lot better on the ACT than the SAT so I am not even going to submit my SAT scores when I apply. </p>
<p>Also what is the policy on SAT II's? I have an 800 U.S. History and a 700 Literature. Should I submit these or will they even care?</p>
<p>On their website it says that the SAT II's are not required, but if I were you I would send them in since you have very high scores. No, my D would not take anymore standardized tests this year. She tends not to do well on the standardized, multiple choice tests. Her scores were a little lower on the newer SAT (1040 combined CR and M), but her Writing score was a 630 (9/12), so she had a 1670. I'm hoping her rank (30 out of 616) and 97.4 gpa will help, though. She seemed to have liked the school.</p>
<p>.... SAT II are not required (i didn't even take them) but since they are so high, i'd reccomend sending them in... i mean it couldn't hurt...</p>
<p>anyway to put it in perspective... out of all my friends.... (maybe i just have a very select smart group of friends) i have the lowest SAT of a 1240. The mid 50% range is a 1270.... but w/ such a high GPA maybe the low SAT won't make much of a difference.</p>
<p>....i applied regular decision... didn't think AU was a reach... and it wasn't... and my stats were like WAY below yours... i wouldn't consider AU as a reach... i'd consider it a safe match... maybe even a saftey... again u never know though.........</p>