<p>I'm currently a junior in high school, and I get what I believe are good grades: straight A's so far, 3 AP's this year, probably 4 and a Calculus 3 at Pitt next year, I got a 208 on my PSAT in sophmore year. But, I feel like my EC's are extremely lacking: tennis (9,10) Model UN (9,10,11), probably starting a curling club this year, about 30 hours community service so far, planning a lot more.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, I dislocated my shoulder last year during the tennis season, and even though I rehabbed it, it isn't the same. I can't really play tennis anymore, even just for fun. So I was just wondering if you guys had any ideas as far as EC's that show at least some sense of leadership or commitment. I understand I'm supposed to do what I'm passionate about, but my passions are pretty random: I love math, but not really into calcu-solve or math competitions, I love music and I've played bass for about two years, I feel very strongly about politics, but my politic beliefs are unorthodox, I'm an anarchist or an anarcho-capitalist depending on how you look at it. </p>
<p>But any responses are appreciated,</p>