Quick NYU Supplement Question

<p>I'm filling the NYU supplement (quite late :(...), and there is a section where I should put down the academic courses I am taking this school year. (1)Does it mean the courses during the previous fall AND this spring? (2)And, since there is a specific course title under each row, does it mean if i am not taking history, i'll just leave it blank? What if I am taking a class that belongs to none of those, should I simply don't report it than?</p>

<p>Thx in advance!</p>

<p>hummm… plz</p>

<p>They said this academic year being fall 2008 and spring 2009…as for the category, try your best to match the courses you’ve taken with those category…i.e. put a humanities class into the history category.</p>

<p>Thank you so much! haha, ur first post, um.</p>